Sunday, August 14, 2005

I Quit! with Keith Olbermann

Some good 'quit smoking' stories from MSNBC. As horrible as this network is, it does occasionally provide something of value to its viewing public:

The bloodhound
The one sure way to quit is to marry a militant non-smoker. My wife wouldn't let me smoke in the house or in the state for that matter. She has a keen sense of smell. It was like being married to a bloodhound. If I had been out smoking I would get a disapproving look when I got home. Ladies and Gentlemen, guilt works. I have been without cigarettes for almost a year and don't miss them at all. Now if I could only overcome my addiction to coffee, chocolate, Coca Cola, biting my nails and cable news I might just make something out of myself.
— Charles James Concklin, Glenview, Illinois

There are many other, very valuable stories. Go check them out.

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